Pismo Next Weekend

Pismo Next Weekend

Alright, got the meet-up point for next weekend's ride. Everything else from there is just winging it, probably coming back Sunday morning. If you want to hook up for the ride up to Pismo, we are m...
Greetings from Las Vegas

Greetings from Las Vegas

Duane and Lisa Ballard, photographer/hot rod mechanic Wes Drelleshak and I pulled out of Lake Elsinore, CA, 7:00 am yesterday for Day 1 of Las Vegas Bike Fest. It is the second time in seven days I...
Plum Smuggler and Pink Taco

Plum Smuggler and Pink Taco

Some quick pics from our friend Eric in Vegas. We'll have more later, but you can get a sense for how wild these machines are from these pics...
Pismo Dude!

Pismo Dude!

We're riding with Chris from Blue Collar Moto up to theSLO Classic Motorcycle Show, Friday the 9th of Oct.It'll be fun, and you should go too...
Does Anyone Myspace Anymore?

Does Anyone Myspace Anymore?

Since ChopCult dropped August 1, I've spaced out on my Myspace duties. To make up for it, last night I sent bulletins to old friends, added new ones, and changed some info and links on our home pag...
Biltwell/ Kickstart Nashville Bash 2010

Biltwell/ Kickstart Nashville Bash 2010

Sneak-peek stuff here: our friend Walt out at Kickstart Cycle Supply has been doing the heavy lifting on a southern-US event. We've settled on Nashville since it has a great Creole joint, some awe...
Street Chopper 40th Anniversary Helmets

Street Chopper 40th Anniversary Helmets

We're hooking up our bros over at Street Chopper Mag with a big old pile 'o helmets.Each one is getting sent to a different painter to get a custom job doneup and then raffled off at the 40th Anniv...
Staying Connected 140 Characters at a Time

Staying Connected 140 Characters at a Time

Because blogs, comments, social networks, texting and emails simply aren't enough for some people, we've added Twitter to the Biltwell quiver of time sponges. We'll try to keep our twats to a healt...
Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Click on this image, then print the flier and give it to every girl you know.There's plenty of room for them to bring a van full of food and beer for you.You'll be thirsty after riding the wild thu...