Tim Caraco and his buddies have been planning a chopper trip through the beautiful countryside of Tasmania for a while now. After being kicked in the teeth on the first attempt, they hit it during perfect weather and had a trip of a lifetime. Check the photos, video and Tim’s description of the odyssey for pure inspiration, and keep your eyes open for their upcoming film titled “Halfway to Nowhere”.
"Halfway to nowhere is a trip I've dreamed about for a long time. When you tell people you want to travel 2000km that involves a 10 hour ship ride across the bass straight to Tasmania just to begin your journey they get a little hesitant. Tasmania is one of Australia's last untouched gems and has some of the best riding roads and landscapes in the world. Late last year a friend of mine Nicholas Agius and a few other buddies jumped on our cycles and made way for Melbourne. Me and nick then split for Tasmania. On arrival the conditions were terrible and didn't get much better over the next 3 days, with snowfalls and rain that was just as cold we called it quits. Fast forward 6 months later, summer is here and me and my pal @bare_bones departed the mainland to conquer Tasmania once and for all. We were met with the best weather I could have ever hoped for. Each day was better than the next and the place constantly surprised us. Sleeping in swags, no phone service and gas station food. This film will explore our trip through this untouched region and all the shenanigans in between, halfway to nowhere!"