These are them. Good old days are when you make 'em. Seriously, life might be hard right now, but if you can scrape together enough cash and free time to hit the road for a few days, it's therapy of the best kind. This week, we're starting preparations for next Sunday's departure on the Biltwell 500. Working on bikes, gathering supplies, tying up loose ends. We've got brothers rolling in from all over the country. My prediction is that we'll have a pretty small crew, but the crew we have is going to be the cream of the crop. The Haints are coming all the way from 'Bama. Walt is riding in from Jersey. Scraper Joe and company are also trekking all the way from the Garden State. I expect a solid showing from the SLC crew. Arizona is well represented with dirt bikes, girls and panheads. Arousing Rob is coming from Tejas. I hope everyone only has minor problems along the way and makes it out in one piece. Godspeed, Gents, we'll see you soon. The rest of you, keep making excuses and try not get your purse caught in your chain!