FOB Paul DeJong sends greetings from his home in Aarle-Rixtel. The most famous chopper festival in The Netherlands is about 10 blocks from our friend's shop, so Paul has never misses it. Here's a recap and some photos from the first motorcycle adventure of 2010 in Holland:

Why going to the "Liberator" show for the 29th time when everything is the same? Well, first because it's only half mile away from home, first ride of the year after a very cold winter, and bikes, beers and bitches.
This winter was very cold so Maat of Blanko Loco Custums and I didn't touch our bikes for months, and had only one week to make them ready for the show. Maat had some electical problems and his SR500 was hard to start, but he solved it and rode his bike without drivers license and no motorcycle experience to my shop. It took him 45 minutes to clear the 4-mile ride! He didn't find 2nd gear and rode four miles in first gear, blocking cars and bicycles.
My XL1000 Ironhead had a hard time to start and oil was coming out of the breather but after some minutes it was ready for the first run in 2010, only half mile long but we both were happy to make it to this years "Liberator" run.
We parked our bikes and were going straight to the bar for some cold ones. With bikes over $ 50,000 parking next to us we thought it was over with people checking our bikes, but we were wrong. They checked our bikes more than the bling-bling chrome "custom" machines and pictures were taken by lots of people. Of course that made us smile. They didn't have a bike contest, but Maat's bike was the unofficial winner.
Of course we will go to the 30th "Liberator show" next year but we hope the guys from the club are making it more exciting and make a big change in the set up. If not, Maat and I will organise a show by ourselves in 2012, and it's not gonna be named after a 75 years old motorcycle.

Why going to the "Liberator" show for the 29th time when everything is the same? Well, first because it's only half mile away from home, first ride of the year after a very cold winter, and bikes, beers and bitches.
This winter was very cold so Maat of Blanko Loco Custums and I didn't touch our bikes for months, and had only one week to make them ready for the show. Maat had some electical problems and his SR500 was hard to start, but he solved it and rode his bike without drivers license and no motorcycle experience to my shop. It took him 45 minutes to clear the 4-mile ride! He didn't find 2nd gear and rode four miles in first gear, blocking cars and bicycles.
We parked our bikes and were going straight to the bar for some cold ones. With bikes over $ 50,000 parking next to us we thought it was over with people checking our bikes, but we were wrong. They checked our bikes more than the bling-bling chrome "custom" machines and pictures were taken by lots of people. Of course that made us smile. They didn't have a bike contest, but Maat's bike was the unofficial winner.
Of course we will go to the 30th "Liberator show" next year but we hope the guys from the club are making it more exciting and make a big change in the set up. If not, Maat and I will organise a show by ourselves in 2012, and it's not gonna be named after a 75 years old motorcycle.