Star Leather Steps Up!
Our bro Fredo at Star Leather down in San Diego just donated this sweet fixed blade and a custom-made sheath that's designed to attach to a fork leg or frame tube, or it can be used on your belt. W...

Tijuana Tooth Pick
My Lady picked me up a nice little knife from DIXIE in Long Beach. Check out their store if you haven't been yet.

ZERO Type 9
Our friends at Zero Engineering have a new soft tail esque bike they are realeasing for 2012. These guys always do a great job of keeping things simple and clean and this bike is no different.

Is it the weekend yet?
Thursday is the Kickstart/Street Chopper shindig, Friday is DicE party/Salt Ghost Premier and Saturday is Brooklyn Invitational. Now there is something to do on Sunday, and for a good cause. Busy w...