Acrobacias Halcones Mexico in Germany

Acrobacias Halcones Mexico in Germany

The Acrobacias Halcones were at the W&W Cycles campout in Germany last week and they are pure Mexico Spirit! It was great to get to hang out with them and watch their show. I know everyone has ...
Spartan Shirts

Spartan Shirts

Support Spartan.Hit 'em up at
Giving Back

Giving Back

I have been a little too giving with my oil lately, putting too much back to where it came from. I decided to tear down this weekend and replace some gaskets. Just lookin out for #1 ya know, not tr...
The 'Ol Sporty

The 'Ol Sporty back up for sale. I like the new tank. This is a fun bike.Hit Roger up if you are interested. His ad is here: LINK..
Crazy Week!

Crazy Week!

Couldn't get enough of the Salton Sea weirdness so I took my kid and his buddy down there to ride a pool for the first time. Goons have fun too! Sorry for personally lagging on the blog the pas...
Trip to Germany and The Netherlands

Trip to Germany and The Netherlands

There, I Fixed It

There, I Fixed It

A goofballl site that will make you feel like a superior human.Link: TIFIThanks for the tip, Jesse...
Outlaw Baby!

Outlaw Baby!

The curious case of Rudehog Eric! ..
OAS Movie Night

OAS Movie Night

It'll be cool to see it on the big screen.Link. ..