Biltwell Bro-Down at the V-Twin Expo

Biltwell Bro-Down at the V-Twin Expo

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Our friend Matt "The Beard" Bischoff agreed to get his band Dandelion Death together with his bros in Blacklight Barbarian to play at a little gig for us in Cincinatti, Feb. 6th. Why Cinci in the middle of winter? Well, there's a big trade show for the motorcycle industry there. I'm not sure why they don't do it in San Diego or Vegas or Florida, but hey, who are we to question it? So, if you are going to the V-Twin Expo or live local, come check it out, it'll be quite a show. $5.00 at the door and we'll be giving away some stuff and slinging dirt cheap PBR's. You can RSVP to the event here or download a flier to post on your blog here.