Biltwell Bash Update

Biltwell Bash Update

Happy New Year 2009! Reading Biltwell Bash Update 1 minute Next Happy New Year 2009!

Things are moving for the Bash! Wes White at Four Aces Cycle sends this message:
As we speak I am negotiating with a BevMo in Temecula for a couple of kegs of Newcastle to have at the FOUR ACES ENGLISH DIRT PUB at the BASH. It will basically be a "tap the keg and everyone drink free until it is gone" kinda thing to say THANKS to everyone who has supported my habit of NOT having to work for anyone but me over the last few years.

Free camping, free BBQ and now free beer! What more do you need? Thanks Wes!

I did a little ride around the Salton Sea area today, prerunning some fun routes to ride. We'll get some simple maps together over the next couple weeks so it'll be easy to share some favorite twisties with out-of-towners. Stay tuned!