Shazam, Diagram!
You know, it's easy to hate on the innerwebs. Then I go and post something like needing a schematic for Josh's bike, then roll to the shop just a little later in the morning and I have three of the...

Panther Down
Mike flatted in TJ on the way home from EDR when he cased a massive pothole. Thank God for modern rubber with a stiff sidewall, he made it well past the border before it got squishy. A squared rim ...

One more hard summer, dear FXR UPR, then I promise, new heads, carb and lots of love and hop-up parts, honest, I mean it. For now, it's the basics; oils, adjustments and maybe even the rare bath...

Praying Mantis For Sale
The venerable Hard Head Honda is up for sale. Hit me up if you are interested bill@biltwellinc.comDetails here.

Spartan Killer
McGoo's been making some progress lately. He and Eric got his hand-made stainless oil bag mounted up Tuesday night. I'd like to see what ol' Hurricane Harold could do if he didn't have to work and ...
Gypsy Run Update
Check out the new video update for the Gypsy Run. You don't even have to read anymore, just sit back and Uncle Walt will tell you all about it. GR is great fun and this year promises to be the best...

Back in Stock
Some stuff we've been out of for a little while is back in stock.Builder's Exhaust KitsCobalt Blue Mega Flake Novelty LidsSolo Seats in Tuck n' Roll or Diamond