Bitchin' Camaro Fail
Saw this dude high-centered tonight at Lowe's. No idea how he got on there but he was still trying to figure out how to get some traction and get off the planter when I came back out. Nice work, co...

Slab City Riot Route

Slab City Riot Trophies
BF Josh had the brilliant idea of getting these little Avon decanter lids painted up as trophies for the Riot this weekend. The classes are simple, we're going to pick three bikes we like, be they ...

Windows of Opportunity
Jim sent in these pics of his Sporty rocking the new 4130 Chromoly Window Bars.Not a ton of mods to this bike, but look how clean it is.Nice work Jim, and thanks for the pics.For more photos of bar...

Rider Down
We left the Old Mill in San Quintin this morning, hauling balls out the seven miles of sandy dirt road to get back to the highway and onward to Ensenada, the final stop of the trip. Keegan took off...

Random Photos from Today
The only riding I did today was on a nice loaner 9'0" longboard...In the words of Arto Saari: "Pinnacle"

Custom Biltwell Lids
Josh at Old School Helmets is doing some fine customizing work on our humble hoods. His art is dope and his prices are right—what more aggressive selling proposition do you need? Check it out here.

¡Viva La Paz!
Sorry for the lack of updates, we haven't had wi-fi since crossing the border. We spent the first two days in Quatro Casa's about 160 miles south of the border. There is a small surf hostel there, ...