Our good friend from across the pond Paul at Paul's Boutique sent us an update on his XL Sporty bike he has been building. Looks Great Paul and the seat will be there hopefully soon.
"Here an update again, not a lot happened but some changes were made:
- Sportster gas tank with high flow petcock, "Half" Frisco, mounted on top of the
backbonewith a piece of Universal Solex handlebars.
- Seat, still waiting for the Biltwell seat so I cut the original seat and made it a
bit shorter and more comfortable than the diamond Alu plate that killed my back for some weeks.
- New front inner tube, cause I managed to make a hole in it while putting it on the rim.
Things to do:
- Exhaust, seat, seatmounts, jiffy, paint (or no paint), forward controlls etc etc.
We will keep you informed about the project, tips & tricks are welcome but not needed with
wrench guys like Philip & New kid on the block Boyd.....