Cycle Source Magazine becomes the first US based chopper culture publication to launch dual publishing format!
It’s been nearly 13 years since Cycle Source Magazine published their first issue and the world of technology has entered warp speed since then. Today, in a partnership withwww.zinio.com Cycle Source has launched their first digital edition that will publish monthly right along side their printed magazine. Readers can purchase the same $20 subscription for twelve issues now and have a digital edition sent to their computer before the print version even comes off the press.
Additionally each issue will have embedded rich media with streaming videos, photo galleries and live links to all articles and advertisements. By the end of 2009, there will even be an i-Phone app that readers may use to have each issue delivered to their i-Phone device for portability.
So what are the advantages? Well, in short, it makes a two dimensional page into a living 3-D experience. We believe that through this exciting new technology our readers can get more of a “What it was like” sense from our articles, get more information from advertisers and editorial subjects from a simple click, and have a faster delivery service than ever before possible with the printed page. In each issue rich media will make videos, photo galleries and additional resources available right on the pages making this more than just a digital page flip application.
So is this the end of the print version? Not at all! Cycle Source Magazine staffers believe that this will only enhance what we do in print as it will eventually remove waste from an over gluttonous, greed filled distribution system that does very little to encourage growth of smaller, young titles. “We have long been a fan of the Integrated multi-media platform that promotes more than just print and this is just another way to reach our audience,” said Chris Callen, owner/ Editor In Chief of Cycle Source.
To promote the combination of this technology further, a subscription bundle has been arranged to give physical subscribers the opportunity to add the digital edition for a very reasonable $5 per year (12 issues).
Subscriptions can be bought three ways now, paper magazine= $20 per 12 issues (US), digital edition= $20 per 12 issues (Anywhere) or by adding them both together for an additional $5 to the regular subscription rate.
Zinio is a full service distribution company that just recently announced a deal where they are the exclusive digital newsstand provider to Barnes & Nobel. Our first issue is on sale right now and can be previewed at http://www.zinio.com/browse/publications/?productId=500323352&offer=500152027&pss=1
For more information, contact through www.cyclesource.com