Big Thanks

Big Thanks

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Lots of thanks to be given for all the help making this year's Slab City Riot take place. This event couldn't have happened if it weren't for like-minded people chipping in all around. The bands played for peanuts, the sponsors donated time, energy and dough. The food vendor C Fiesta kicked ass, Pabst donated case after case of beer, and Lowbrow Customs and the Rubbertree boys funded and ran the Whisky bar. Beer Breed brought a free keg to share, and everyone else who brought firewood or otherwise pitched in. Big props to the fearless gladiators of the Coctagon, that was quite a show! Thanks of course to the locals of Slab City who let us invade their sanctuary from the real world, if only for the weekend.

The reason we do events like this is simple: they are centered around riding your motorcycle and having fun. Sure, free beer and good music is essential, but riding your machine to somewhere weird to hang out with people even weirder, well, that's what we like to do, and apparently so do about 1,500 other kooks.

We're already talking about next year...

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