

So, we're working away on this ChopCult thing. One of the neat modules we've built is a photo collection segregated into loose categories called the "PhotoDump". This way if you want to look at a t...
W&W in Germany

W&W in Germany

I was invited to come to W&W's swap meet and camp out last weekend so I am hanging out in Germany for a few days. Here is a few pics I have taken so far. It been great and I can't thank them en...
Craigslist Alert!

Craigslist Alert!

Oh yeah, check this death trap out. You want Quadzilla? I'll give you Quadzilla!With that cooler on the back you could just ride around drinkin' and poppin' wheelies all day. Custom project, 1835, ...


It's that time.Details here...
Calling all Locals

Calling all Locals

The Molochs MC are putting on a bike night the first Wed of every month over the summer at our favorite dive, Hard Hats in Temecula. Next Wednesday is July 1st. They had a pretty good turn out las...
Yard Sale

Yard Sale

Mike D is selling a couple bikes: 1940 EL & 1968 FLH, clean AZ titles for both.Hit him up for details:951 852 3800 or EMAIL..
Wiring a Mac in Germany / Don't try this at home

Wiring a Mac in Germany / Don't try this at home

So I am overseas in Germany and Holland visiting distributors and friends and I forgot to pick up an adaptor for my electrical plugs. Figured I'd grab one on the trip but I haven't found one yet an...
Happy Father's Day and Trailer Life

Happy Father's Day and Trailer Life

Here's to all you dads out there. My dad has been the biggest inspiration in my life and is a fine example of humility and generosity mixed with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and exercise. H...
The CRO/JD Creations Keep on Comin'

The CRO/JD Creations Keep on Comin'

A man named Alex is the proud owner of this barebones Evo Sporty built with a little skepticism and a ton of pride by our friends Caleb and JD. Read CRO's first-hand account of the experience on Th...