Damn Kids!

Damn Kids!

Trouble Head

Trouble Head

Half hour after putting in a new seal and super nut. Oooops!BooooooooooAlso spun the throughout bearing off the pushrod.
Give what you can

Give what you can

Bryan Berky was a Biltwell customer and active member over on ChopCult. He was killed in action Saturday in Afghanistan. We've set up a paypal account to receive donations until the end of the mon...
Born Free Bikes and Art Show: Classic Cycles, OC, CA

Born Free Bikes and Art Show: Classic Cycles, OC, CA

Harpoon is hosting an art and motorcycle show at Andy Dunn's Classic Cycles in Orange, CA on Sept. 26. Be there or be somewhere else.
Crusty Love

Crusty Love

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True Love

True Love

Love Cycles kills it again...
It is what you make it.

It is what you make it.

DTMC Oct. 3rd!!!

DTMC Oct. 3rd!!!

Thats right as if there were not enough to go to. Honestly though do you really think anything the DTMC throws would be anything short of KICK ASS!!!
Street Chopper 40th Party!

Street Chopper 40th Party!

40th Anniversary Issue is gonna be Great. Mark your calenders and come out to the Screamin Chicken and show your support!