Thanks to everyone for the calls, text messages and emails concerning the fires. It's a terrible tragedy for many folks not far from here and so far we have been very fortunate. The worst we've had to deal with is smoke and dust and the non-stop internet-fueled rumor mills.
The wind has died down a bit so hopefully that will allow firefighters like our friend Oscar to do their job a little easier.
The best source for info on the fires I've found is our newspaper's website, channel 27 on Fios or radio station 103.3 FM if you are local.

You can see Temecula at the top of this map and see how we're just sucking smoke. This map was grabbed at 1530 hrs today.
The wind has died down a bit so hopefully that will allow firefighters like our friend Oscar to do their job a little easier.
The best source for info on the fires I've found is our newspaper's website, channel 27 on Fios or radio station 103.3 FM if you are local.

You can see Temecula at the top of this map and see how we're just sucking smoke. This map was grabbed at 1530 hrs today.