Stash that registration

Stash that registration

This is one of those weird little bits that we consistently sell but never bother to tell anyone about or promote. If you are like me you've got more than one bike/project and it can be a pain keep...
Hats Off

Hats Off

Some new hats in this week. These have a little smaller crown so they aren't quite as Elmer Fudd lookin'. The "Star" hat is black with orange embroidery from our bros at Iron Thread. The "4 Cam" i...
Desert Sled Action!

Desert Sled Action!

Well, back in January I posted something about wanting to spend more time riding in the dirt this year. I've been out a couple times, but as practical as my tractor of an XR650L is, I've been reall...
Iron Horse Tech Issue

Iron Horse Tech Issue

Class is in session! Check the new Iron Horse Issue #130. Jay from Special 79 did a great job detailing how to install one of our cast stainless seat hinges.
Born Free Panhead Give Away

Born Free Panhead Give Away

Today I was lucky enough to have a good excuse to swing by the top secret chopper den where the Born Free Pan has been coming to life. You can see it in person this Sunday at the Long Beach Swap, ...
DTMC Party

DTMC Party

Whew! BCM Chris and I rode up to the DTMC's annual shindig in Chopperopolis this weekend. We split Friday morning and made good time to Bass Lake. I tried to imagine the infamous run in HST's book...
Cookie Cookie Cookie

Cookie Cookie Cookie

Scott @ Backstreet Bucket's wife is one hell of a looker and can cook up some delicious treats. Below she models with the new Megafalke Sugar Cookie. If you are in San Antonio stop by Sugarbakers C...
Rollin' Sixes

Rollin' Sixes

New lid painted up by Tim over at Rollin' Sixes Choppers. He's got some for sale here.
Don't Do That!

Don't Do That!

Unfortunately sometimes, no matter how hard you try, this is how your kids see you!