San Diego Sportster with Gen2 Friscos

San Diego Sportster with Gen2 Friscos

David in San Diego sent these pics of his '07 883 Low. He just added the new, lower and thicker Frisco bars. These bikes can look so good with so few mods it's crazy. Nice work David, thanks for th...
Grail's Sporty Wrap Up

Grail's Sporty Wrap Up

Grail is just about done with his evo Sporty make over. Check it out here: Knucklebuster Inc. I like these tasteful, swingarm, lightly-modded, but still custom bikes. He's still got some work to f...
New Full Face Helmet

New Full Face Helmet

Nope it's not the Biltwell Inland Empire Signature Edition (dry your tearss JB) but I'm sure we'll see a few on the road soon, especially around here.Pro Model.If you don't know what a flat biller ...
Going Ape Shit Lately.

Going Ape Shit Lately.

Popped some of the new 12" Apes on the FXR and been riding 'em all week. They don't flex at all and with knurling and the Slimline Risers, they aren't slipping all over. Sounds like a commercial, b...
Bar Hoppin'!

Bar Hoppin'!

Some we have, some we are getting next week, some a little later in summer.Gen2 Friscos, Keystones and Clubmans are all in stock in black or Chrome. Friscos and Keystones are also available with d...
Special 79 True Craftsman!

Special 79 True Craftsman!

I follow the Special 79 blog and watch all the great work Jay does. He is truely a great craftsman and his stuff is pure Art in my opinion. Big thanks to Jay for using one of our pivots and showing...
New Ride!

New Ride!

Got my new BMX together last night. S&M Bikes / Nui Art ProjectsHawaii Limited Edition LTF and its the Shit! Without trying its 23.2lbs. I gotta get the back brakes on but this is the best bik...


Nice sticker! I bet it's fast with that lightweight rider on there.....
DicE Magazine Party Issue 27, Vanvouver BC

DicE Magazine Party Issue 27, Vanvouver BC

Always a splendid time.....