Wanna Get Sideways?

Wanna Get Sideways?

Of course you've thought about racing flat track but didn't know where or how to start?It's Greaser Mike's passion and he took the time to do a nice write up with some tips for the aspiring hot sho...


Shawn did the nutzo job on the Ground Zero Mega Flake helmet for us and hit it out of the park as always. More new work getting finished up at ImperialHouse71.comYou should give him money to pain...
Sporty Tins For Auction With A Nice Sticker!

Sporty Tins For Auction With A Nice Sticker!

Just saw these being auctioned off by Iron Hollie on the Chop Cult and thought it was worth a blog here. Not sure if they come with the "B" sticker but thats worth a bid just on its own! Says its a...
Tipple Time

Tipple Time

TIPPLE RUN 2009 Our friend and UK Stockist of Biltwell junk and all-around good fellow is throwing his annual shindig starting tomorrow, so pack yer rain gear and whisky bottle and get with it!Go...
DicE Party: Brooklyn, NYC 09.18.09

DicE Party: Brooklyn, NYC 09.18.09

Matt and Dean know how to party, but everyone who's been to a DicE party already knows this. Chopper denizens of the Big Apple know the Matchless Bar quite well, so this soiree is sure to kick ass.
Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound

Lots of miles and a few more to go. Ruidoso was great, ABQ was fun. Bikes were off the hook, mucho good stuff out here this weekend. Lisa won the Spartan frame, whoo-hoo! Tons of pics to sort throu...
Not Choppers but Sooners

Not Choppers but Sooners

Season opener todayOU vs. BYU today at 5 central timeIf your in Edmond get over to Billy Sims BBQ and grab some for the game! Schedule here
Coming September 19: El Camino Motorcycle Swapmeet

Coming September 19: El Camino Motorcycle Swapmeet

Biltwell we be at this event with both guns blazing. This is the best swapmeet we attend every year, and if you live within a day's drive of SoCal, you should plan to be here. It's the same day as ...


Just a random shot from a shelf in my garage. Looks like just old junk but each thing is memorable in one way or another...