Ready to Go!

Ready to Go!

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The 'ol FXR is packed and ready for tomorrow's ride to Salton Sea. I've tied shit all over on different bikes over the years and logged quite a few miles with a trusty backpack, but this is my favorite set up for sure. Nothing beats a crusty old pair of leather throw-over bags. I even carved up an old trickle charger plug-in and converted it to a cell phone charger. Not very outlaw spirit, I know, but when you've spent as much time on the side of the road as I have it's nice to have tunes and a way to call momma with the van when it can't be fixed. I'm trying something different this time instead of a bivvy, I'm gonna tent it. I haven't packed a tent in a long time but this Salton Sea area has me a little creeped out and I don't want to share my sack with a rattler or some other creature. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow at the Hat, it looks like we have a solid crew of maybe ten guys so it should be fun.