
International Coalition

Anvil Time Reading International Coalition 3 minutes Next Daytona Download
Canada helps America get the Japanese bike ready for English rider going to Mexico. 
Or something like that...

So, a couple months ago our friend Sumo from the UK contacted me about getting a bike together for the EDR. A Jap bike seemed logical, but he didn't want a cafe or some average stock beater. I put the word out and sure enough, this beauty of a digger surfaced. I picked it up, sorted the registration, got a title and picked up a couple parts and a manual, but that's about it so far. A couple trips to Dennis' place and the forks are all rebuilt and actually have enough springs in them to work. I thought they were locked up until I jacked the bike up and they just kept getting longer and longer... Seems the dude before had about 6" over tubes with stock springs in there. A donor set was cut, new seals and juice, and the forks are back in business.

Last week our friend Shawn, who happens to be down here escaping the Canadian winter made the mistake of asking if we needed help with anything. I thought for a second about how long the Praying Mantis has been sitting since we started the move, etc and I asked Shawn if he would lend a hand yesterday before we jam out to Daytona bright and early this morning. Sucker that he is, he agreed. And then he actually showed up! I had just picked up new front wheel bearings, so he got those installed, got the forks slid back into place and the rear bearings packed with clean grease too. Oil lines got replaced, along with new o-rings and of course new filter and oil. Chain soaked and waxed. The tires were both checked and just not serviceable so we scrounged around the shop and found a decent rear on an Invader I've been saving forever. I had to break down and buy a front, but at least I found one in the 50% off pile. Being lazy, I was going to have them mounted up, but the only shop open on a Monday broke their tire machine this morning. Out came the spoons and like the proverbial monkeys humping a football, we wrestled tires on and off all afternoon and so far it doesn't even look like we pinched a tube. Amazing.

Next on the list is to make a set of bars, clean out the gas tank (not so easy since it's molded on) make a brake line for the front, and wire up some lights. Then it's gonna be off to Dennis for a real tune and service. The most valuable thing friends can give you is time, and I'm really lucky to be surrounded by so many givers. Thanks Shawn, your day's worth of labor probably saved me a week of afterhours work and is very much appreciated. Sumo has had some bad luck coming to America and hopping on bikes, so everyone cross their fingers that this thing will serve him faithfully.