It feels like we've beaten this horse to death, but there are still enough redundant questions surfacing in social media about our first DOT-approved full-face helmet that a blog about the Gringo seems necessary. In no particular order, here are some short, sweet answers to the questions we hear most often:
What colors does the Gringo come in?
That's easy: Gloss Black, Flat Black, Gloss Orange, Gloss Antique White and Flat Titanium
Is the Gringo helmet DOT approved?
Yes, The Gringo is DOT approved.
Are you going to introduce a novelty version of the Gringo helmet?
No, and here's why: Novelty helmets exist to help style-conscious bikeriders avoid the astronaut look so common with open-face helmets. Because full-face helmets have a chin bar that obscures the rider's face, the astronaut factor is greatly minimized. People who buy full-face helmets are doing so for safety, so a novelty full face doesn't make sense.
Will Biltwell goggles and bubble shields work with the Gringo helmet?
Yes. See photos for proof. Peripheral vision in the Gringo meets or exceeds DOT standards, but motocross goggles have a tendency to reduce the rider's peripheral vision do to limitations inherent in their design. If you like the look of a retro-inspired full face like the Gringo with MX goggles, please keep this in mind. Peripheral vision is more important on a street bike than it is on the motocross track, where most of the action happens in the rider's line of sight. On a street bike, shit's going down everywhere, and you need to see it. If safety is your number one priority, there are few safer or better-looking setups than our bubble shield on a Gringo.
How many sizes? Do the different sizes employ different-sized outer shells?
The Gringo comes in six sizes: XS through XXL. There are two different outer shell sizes: One for XS through M, and a second slightly larger one for L, XL and XXL.
Can I wash the Gringo's cheek pads and inside comfort liner?
Both the interior comfort liner and cheek pads in the Gringo are removable and washable, but you must use care in doing so. NEVER throw the liner or cheek pads in a washer or dryer—hand wash only with mild soapy water and allow to air dry before reinstalling. We will offer replacement cheek pads and comfort liners for Gringos in the future, probably in the early fall of 2013.
If I order a Gringo online, can I exchange it if it doesn't fit?
Yes, but please see our sizing chart for Gringo helmets
here before placing your order. Sorry, we will not accept returns on improperly sized Gringo helmets that show visible signs of excessive wear and tear. If it doesn't fit, put it into its original packaging and
email Erik at Biltwell customer service for instructions on returning helmets.
If you have questions not answered here, please visit the
Gringo helmet section on our website.