McGoo here. I lost my sign-in info for the blog, so I'm pigging off Bill's feed this week. I probably beat this dead horse on Facebook and ChopCult enough already, but I'm sharing it here because this thing has me tickled pink. I'm talking about the Bonnevile chopper our friend Wayne at Acme Choppers sold me this fall.
This machine didn't require many tweaks (few Acme bikes ever do.) I swapped the seat for one of our tuck-and-roll Slimline solo units, turned down the billet alloy throttle grip on the lathe to make an alloy sleeve for a pair of Kung Fu grips, and shortened the exhaust can 6 inches. Throw on a pair of Sanderson pegs and BAM! instant modern Brit chopper.
This brings my personal stable of motorcycles to four, none of which I rode more than 3,000 combined miles in the last year. I'm determined to change that sad stat in 2012, and this bike will lead the charge until I can finish the SpartanKiller.
Thanks, Wayne at Acme for giving me such a sweet deal on this really fun machine.