I recently did a little three-part series of "Flashback" stories on Frank Kaisler over on Chop Cult. Frank could fill a book, or a collection of books with his stories and his photo albums are chock full o' chopper goodness. Frank is not just some old rambler sitting on the porch, he still rides and works on his bikes as well as plenty of friend's and customer's bikes too. Our friends Tyler and Wes just released some tune and service videos for Ironheads and Shovelheads with Frank, and man, his patient, scholarly confidence shines through and you can tell that this is a guy who knows what he's talking about and has explained it before. You can read a few words and see a bunch of pics here:
Frank Kaisler 1 of 3
Frank Kaisler 2 of 3
Frank Kaisler 3 of 3
The videos are available here: Ironhead / Shovelhead