The path from our vendor to your ass has been a long and arduous one, but last week we finally signed off on all versions of our vinyl-covered Biltwell Solo Seats. As this blog shows, there are two styles--tuck and roll and diamond tuck--and two colors: black and white. Shown above is our diamond tuck in black vinyl.

This is the Biltwell Solo seat in white tuck and roll.

Side views of both cover designs show the nice "spoon" shape of our pan. By using molded foam instead of a cut foam slab, we were able to retain these nice curve in both models.
Speaking of molded foam, we're really proud of how this feature on our Solo seats turned out. The photo below shows the molded foam perfectly. As you can see, the underside of the foam mirrors the top of the raw seat pan perfectly, so no air bubbles or gaps are present between the foam and the pan on the finished seat. Leather crafters and upholstery guys who wish to make custom seats with our pan will be able to save time and money on their fabrication jobs because every raw BIltwell seat pan will come with a piece of molded foam. Now that's a good idea!

As soon as we have a warehouse full of these new seats we'll tell you about it on the Jockey Journal and this blog. We expect to receive seats by early September. Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the wait.